A Number of Ways Technology is Changing Recruitment

A Number of Ways Technology is Changing Recruitment

Do you remember the good ‘ol days when job hunting meant flipping through pages and pages of newspapers? And resumes were either mailed or handed in personally to human resources departments?

Employing new recruits to fulfill vacant positions were time consuming and costly—only to be dismayed that the prospect was not a right fit after all.

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How Brexit Will Affect Jobs and Businesses

How Brexit Will Affect Jobs and Businesses

In June, the United Kingdom (UK) voted to leave the European Union (EU) and has led to a series of mixed reactions and emotions. While it is definitely a transformative decision, the interest comes with a lot of uncertainty mainly for businesses, employees, and job seekers. Moreover, Brexit has huge effects on investments.

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White men (and women) can jump

White man can jump - diversity

Just this morning I had a great conversation with the COO for a Fortune 500 company and as often happens, I was asked about the trend towards diversity. He had made the observation that his leadership team had become too white and too male and he thought it was a good time to add some ‘diversity’.

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